Friday 8 June 2012

A is Possible in Mathematics

A is Possible in Mathematics

For years I have wondered why so many people hate math. I tell them math is nothing more than a puzzle; sometimes very simple, sometimes very elaborate. If they like puzzles, they should like math. I realize not everyone likes puzzles. But not to worry, anyone can improve math grades by following these three basic steps:


An exasperated friend once told me after a math test, “It’s like a foreign language.” (Actually math is the universal language; everything from music to astronomy can be reduced to mathematical relationships.) But she was right. Math is a language and just as when you learn any language, you need to learn the alphabet first.

In math the alphabet can be reduced to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Everything proceeds in an orderly manner from there, but you can’t jump in midstream. A strong foundation is absolutely necessary. In order to improve math grades, make sure you know the mathematical “alphabet” before you try to read the language of math.

If this means going back and relearning the basics again, you must do it! I know sometimes embarrassment can be an issue, especially with younger students, but in the long run, it will speed up your progress exponentially while at the same time reduce your frustration level.


One of the great things about math is that you can always check your answer by performing the opposite operation or inserting the answer into the original problem. You know if it is correct before you turn in your test or homework. What other subject allows you to do that?

Unfortunately, it has been my experience that most students don’t check their answers, even when the teacher makes it part of the homework assignment. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. Write out the check. This alone can result in a marked improvement in your grades.


As I mentioned earlier, math proceeds in a series of orderly steps and you can use this progression to your advantage. Resist the temptation to just write down answers without writing down the intermediary steps. Not only will it give you the opportunity to get partial credit, but it will also ingrain the process in your mind. Thinking logically will become second nature and will improve math grades!

Do you need help to make these work?

Call us on:


Wednesday 6 June 2012

Dwelling with Negativity

Dwelling with Negativity

No one is an island. Who we socialize with, what we read, watch and listen to has big effect on how we feel and think.
It becomes a lot harder to be happier if you let yourself be dragged down by negative voices. Voices that tell you that life will in large part always be unhappy, dangerous and filled with fear and limits. Voices that watch life from a negative perspective.

How to overcome this habit:

Replacing those negative voices with more positive influences is very powerful. It can be like a whole new world opening up.
So spend more time with positive people, inspiring music and books, movies and TV-shows that make you laugh and think about life in a new way.
You can start small. For example, try reading an uplifting blog or book or listen to an audio book while eating your breakfast one morning this week instead of reading the paper or watching the morning news on